My So-called K-Life…

An American Teacher in Korea. Contact at:

Day from hell…(or WHAT THE HELL?!) October 10, 2013

Filed under: Korean Life,Teaching — Michelle @ 12:52 PM

The last 24 hours have been a test…that’s the only explanation that I have.

Seriously.  First, yesterday after my water was turned off for some reason that remains unexplained.  It wasn’t just me either, it was at least the whole floor if not the entire building.  I opened a tap to do my dishes and nothing came out except a weird growl/gurgle sound from the pipes.  It came back though.

Then last night I went to wash my hands after using the bathroom, and suddenly my feet were cold and soaking wet.  I looked under the sink and the drain pipe had mostly fallen out.  It was only kept from crashing to the floor by the physical drain itself.  The pipe is broken but it was too late at night to go to my landlord and explain what had happened to I was just out of luck, and remained so this morning where I had to wash my face and brush my teeth in my kitchen sink.  I still don’t know how I am going to explain this to my landlord enough to get him to come and look at it when neither of us understands each other’s language.

Then this morning, I was in the bathroom finishing my make-up and the light flickered off in the bathroom.  The window there points off into a storage area so there is no light that comes in there, making it pitch dark.  The only mirror that I have is in the bathroom which makes this something of a problem.  I used the light of my cell phone to finish getting ready this morning and headed off to work.

Once I got to work, in order to get into the office, you have to scan your fingerprint.  This machine seems to hate me in particular.  It only opens to my print maybe 1/5 of the time.  As I am the first person in most days this is something of a problem and I have to continually scan my finger.  In the end, I ran it 10 times before becoming frustrated and going off to the bathroom.  Luckily someone else came while I was in the bathroom and unlocked the doors.

Then I sit down at my computer.  Within five minutes of booting up, I receive the blue screen of death and have to reboot it.  Once it’s back up and running, I reboot it again.  Twenty minutes later it’s blue screened again!  Fed up at this point and frazzled I decide to give up for the day and instead pull out a game for my students instead of the intensive lessons that I had prepared because I simply don’t have the patience to work through them today properly. Then the fourth blue screen happens and I just give up and read a book for twenty minutes.

When I arrive at my classroom for my first class of the day, the computer technician and working on my classroom computer which means that everything I have for today is possibly being thrown out of the window right now and I was right.  The tech was on the computer for the first half and hour of class, including interrupting my make-shift “five things” game to have me input the password several times and refused to let me write it down for him in case the kids might see…

Anyway, ten minutes into my impromptu list game, three students come storming into class, all crying and slam themselves down in their seats pretty much halting the class to a standstill. Now all of the girls refuse to participate and no one will tell me what is wrong and I still have to force my way through forty minutes of class in this atmosphere with the tech still tapping and clicking away at the side of the room.  That class felt like a train wreck from beginning to end but I held on until the bell and managed to keep everything together.

Then I went back to my computer in the office only to find it missing.  The computer technician is going to take it back to his shop and sort out what all is wrong with it.  I could give you a list of a million things just about but have fun.  So now I am stuck with no work computer, most of my saved work having been carted away, and I’m only halfway through the day.  I still have two classes to teach after lunch.  Then when I get home I have to deal with the sink issue and my landlord and see how that works out…

Lord grant me the strength…